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Overcoming Subiekt GT's Limitations: A Linker Cloud Solution

Written by Adriana Lyon-Shaw | Jun 10, 2024 2:58:37 PM

Subiekt GT has long been a staple for businesses in Poland, providing robust enterprise resource planning (ERP) capabilities. However, as with any software, it comes with its own set of challenges that can hinder efficiency and growth. Let's have a look into these issues and explore how integrating Linker Cloud can revolutionise your Subiekt GT experience.

Subiekt GT's Pain Points: A Closer Look

  • Manual Work: Subiekt GT often necessitates manual intervention for tasks like invoice downloads, updates, and backups. This not only consumes valuable time but also introduces the risk of human error.
  • Integration Hurdles: Connecting Subiekt GT with other critical systems, such as e-commerce platforms or external accounting software, can be a complex endeavour. It may require custom solutions or the involvement of third-party plugins, adding to the complexity and cost.
  • Interface Frustrations: The user interface, while functional, can feel outdated and cumbersome compared to modern software. This can lead to a steeper learning curve for new users and potentially slow down navigation for even experienced ones.
  • Performance Bottlenecks: When dealing with larger databases or running complex operations, Subiekt GT may exhibit performance issues. Slowdowns and decreased productivity can result, impacting your operational efficiency.
  • Reporting Limitations: While Subiekt GT offers reporting features, they may not always meet the in-depth analysis needs of some businesses. Custom development or data exportation to external tools might be required to gain deeper insights.

Linker Cloud: Your Subiekt GT Transformation

Linker Cloud steps in as a game-changer, addressing these pain points and propelling your Subiekt GT to new heights.

  • Automation Unleashed: Linker Cloud automates many of the manual processes that plague Subiekt GT. Invoice downloads, updates, and backups can be seamlessly handled in the background, freeing up your team's time for more strategic tasks.
  • Seamless Integration: Linker Cloud acts as a bridge, simplifying the integration of Subiekt GT with your e-commerce platforms, accounting software, and other essential systems. This streamlined connectivity ensures data flows effortlessly between platforms, reducing errors and boosting efficiency.
  • Enhanced Data Management: Linker Cloud introduces a modern, intuitive interface for managing your Subiekt GT data. This not only improves the user experience but also facilitates faster navigation and data manipulation.
  • Streamlined Logistics: For businesses involved in e-commerce, Linker Cloud's integration with Subiekt GT offers comprehensive logistics solutions. From order import and sales document creation to tracking number updates and ASN import notifications, the entire fulfilment process is streamlined and automated.
  • Centralised Control: Linker Cloud consolidates all your logistics data into a single, centralised platform. This provides unparalleled visibility and control over your entire supply chain, regardless of the number of systems you use.
  • Customisable Solutions: Linker Cloud's modular design allows for easy customisation to suit your specific business needs. You can tailor the integration to align perfectly with your unique workflows and processes.

Linker Cloud's Promise: Efficiency, Growth, and Beyond

By integrating Linker Cloud with your Subiekt GT, you unlock a new level of efficiency, data accuracy, and operational agility. Automation reduces manual errors, seamless integration eliminates data silos, and streamlined logistics optimise your supply chain.

With Linker Cloud, you can focus on what truly matters – growing your business. Don't let Subiekt GT's limitations hold you back. Embrace the future of ERP integration with Linker Cloud.

Contact us today to learn more about how Linker Cloud can transform your Subiekt GT experience and propel your business forward.